On behalf of your colleagues, students, and the TJMS community, congratulations to Mrs. Taormina on being named this year's Teacher of the Year and to Mrs. Friedman on being named this year's Educational Services Professional of the Year.

How to Donate to Christian Kicks....
Students will be competing in a Penny War to help raise funds. Pennies and dollars in your grade level’s container is good . . . silver in your opposing grade's containers is bad for them. We will be having a pop-up snack sale on December 23 during the Polar Bear with 100% of all money raised dedicated to the purchase of care packages.
In addition to student efforts, parents have asked about making a direct donation. Donations in any amount will be accepted until December 31, 2022 and information on how to donate has been emailed to families and posted on Google Classroom.

Walk-A-Thon 2022
Congratulations to all participates at our 4th Annual Christian’s Kicks with Love from Peter Holiday Drive for Hackensack Children’s Hospital. Check out the pictures of some of the banners created during the event.
Between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Eve, students, families and friends are invited to help us raise funds that will be used to purchase care packages for patients receiving treatment at Hackensack Children’s Hospital. Each packet includes a Vans backpack, a new pair Christian’s favorite-colored Vans shoe, and a LIDS gift card for each child to be able to purchase a hat of their choice . Our hope is to provide a little bit of comfort and add a spring to each child’s step during their medical journey. Over the last three years we have donated over 200 care packages and the hospital is very appreciative of our efforts. See the "How to Donate" post for more information.