Welcome back Thomas Jefferson Middle School! Our 1st day tailgate was a success thanks to the TJ PTO, Fair Lawn Cutter Cheerleaders, Captain Cutter, our staff, students and families! Have a great school year everyone!
13 days ago, Thomas Jefferson Middle School
clap in
clap in
Congrats to the TJMS Class of 2024!
3 months ago, Thomas Jefferson Middle School
class picture
This spring, Peers for Peace and National Honor Society at TJ have worked to Light It Up Blue for Autism Awareness and our Stepping Stones friends at Westmoreland. Thanks to their fundraising efforts, we are proud to collaborate with Ms. Dell’Aglio, Ms. Garbus,Ms. Stabinski, Ms. Gruber, Ms. Parsells, and the Fair Lawn Police Department in making a special delivery of Christian’s Kicks .
4 months ago, Thomas Jefferson Middle School
Attention Grade 5 and 6 Families: Grade 5 and 6 students enrolled in Fair Lawn Schools ar invited back to their middle school with their family to experience Science, Technology, Engineering and Math activities. Grade 5 will be held on April 17th and Grade 6 will be held on May 1st. Please register to attend (see link in image).
5 months ago, Thomas Jefferson Middle School
Congratulations to Miss Zimmer for receiving a proclamation last night at Borough Hall. This proclamation recognizes Autism Awareness Month and Miss Zimmer, along other community individuals, were selected to be representatives for Autism Awareness Month because of their commitment to their students, community leaders in the area of autism awareness and their ability to help others thrive. Miss Zimmer is a member of the Fair Lawn Access for All Committee whose mission is to promote help and support for differently abled adults. Congratulations Miss Zimmer for your dedication and commitment towards helping others, not only at TJMS, but the entire Fair Lawn Community.
6 months ago, Thomas Jefferson Middle School
On Thursday ,the first round of 7th grade Thomas Jefferson Middle School students visited the FLHS Planetarium. A great time was had by all.
6 months ago, Thomas Jefferson Middle School
science trip
science trip
science trip
science trip
science trip
science trip
science trip
Congratulations to the Cast and Crew of Newsies Jr. on a fantastic weekend of performances! Check out these photos for some highlights.
6 months ago, Thomas Jefferson Middle School
Production of Newsies
Production of Newsies
Production of Newsies
Production of Newsies
Production of Newsies
Production of Newsies
Production of Newsies
Production of Newsies
Production of Newsies
Production of Newsies
The TJMS Jazz Band and Chamber Orchestra performed for senior citizens at the Fair Lawn Senior Center. Great performance by all.
6 months ago, Thomas Jefferson Middle School
Jazz and Orchestra Students
Jazz and Orchestra Students
Recently, 8th grade students, from Thomas Jefferson Middle School, visited the Holocaust Museum Center for Tolerance and Education at Rockland Community College in New York. The mission of the center is to educate, through the lens of the Holocaust, about the dangers of intolerance, to invoke critical thinking, and to inspire moral courage in the face of injustice.
6 months ago, Thomas Jefferson Middle School
Students on the Holocaust Trip
Students on the Holocaust Trip
Students on the Holocaust Trip
Students on the Holocaust Trip
Students on the Holocaust Trip
Students on the Holocaust Trip
Exciting month coming up at Fair Lawn Public Schools! Support the arts! Buy your tickets today! See Flyer for more information.
7 months ago, Thomas Jefferson Middle School
YEARBOOK DEADLINE IS FAST APPROACHING!!! The Yearbook Club is excited to announce that the 2023-2024 TJMS Yearbook is currently on sale! The yearbook chronicles Grades 5-8, with a special emphasis on the graduating eighth grade class. Order online HERE or pay by check. https://www.jostens.com/apps/store/customer/1019367/Thomas-Jefferson-Middle-School/ The cost of this year's book is $35.00. All checks are to be made payable to "Thomas Jefferson Middle School" and must be given to Ms. Bonito in room 217. All orders must be placed by FRIDAY, MARCH 1ST. We cannot guarantee that you will be able to purchase a yearbook after that date. If you have any questions about yearbook sales, email Ms. Bonito at dbonito@fairlawnschools.org
7 months ago, Thomas Jefferson Middle School
Fair Lawn Public Schools will have a snow day and will be closed on February 13, 2024. Stay safe everyone.
7 months ago, Thomas Jefferson Middle School
snow day
Congratulations to 7th grader Jonathan Markovich on winning this year's Thomas Jefferson Middle School Geography Bee! Impressive final round by all!
7 months ago, Thomas Jefferson Middle School
Geo Bee Winner
​Come see Newsies Jr. on March 8th and 9th at 7pm at the TJ Auditorium! ​ ​Presale Tickets are $5 for students and $8 for adults. At the door, tickets are $8 for students and $10 for adults. Tickets can be purchased from the main office. Please reach out to Ms. Silverman with any questions!
7 months ago, Thomas Jefferson Middle School
Newsies FLyer
Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances, we must reschedule the Cyberbullying Parent Parent Presentation by Sgt. Rich scheduled for tomorrow night on Tuesday, February 6th at 7:00 p.m. The safety and well-being of our students is a top priority, and we believe that Sgt. Rich's insights are invaluable in educating our community about the challenges associated with cyberbullying and social media. We understand the importance of this topic and will communicate the rescheduled date and time via weekly Principal messages and Peach Jar as soon as it is confirmed. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding on this matter.
7 months ago, Thomas Jefferson Middle School
The TJMS Jazz Band and Chamber Orchestra recently performed at the CTC Academy in Fair Lawn. It was such an amazing experience for everyone. Congratulations to all!
8 months ago, Thomas Jefferson Middle School
CTC  academy
CTC  academy
Cyberbullying: What Parents Need To Know February 6, 2024 7:00PM Memorial Middle School Auditorium
8 months ago, Thomas Jefferson Middle School
cyber security flier
Huge shout out to one of our TJ Orchestra students for being accepted into Region 1 Orchestra! Grace Chang, who is a 7th grader and a dedicated violin player, is now considered to be one of the best violinists in North Jersey! Congratulations Grace!
8 months ago, Thomas Jefferson Middle School
orchestra student
Unfortunately, due to inclement weather conditions, we must postpone this evening’s performance at TJMS. To allow adequate planning time for families, we have rescheduled for Tuesday, January 23 at 7pm.
8 months ago, Thomas Jefferson Middle School
concert postponed
We would like to thank the Tyszko family for their continued support and efforts to help others in memory of their son, Peter, who died on January 17, 2022 of complications from sarcoma. In the spirit of giving, they have organized what has become an annual blood drive, which will take place on Saturday, January 27, 2024. To learn how you can participate and schedule an appointment, please see go to https://www.petertfoundation.org/ for the Peter Tyszko Foundation.
8 months ago, Thomas Jefferson Middle School
red cross